Need a support runner?

“It was great to have someone there encouraging and guiding me”

Have you ever wanted to take part in a running event but felt it wasn’t for you as a disabled person?

Maybe you see too many barriers or don’t feel confident enough to take part. We want you to know - you can do it! With the support of a trained Support Runner, you can take part in your own way, whether that’s pushing, being pushed, running, or using running prosthetics.

A Support Runner will be there to assist you on the day, helping with pacing, hydration, or navigating the start and finish areas. Even our own marathon champion, Richard Whitehead MBE, has used a Support Runner throughout his career, enabling him to run safely with his blades in large events.

So why not give it a go? We will connect you with a Support Runner who will meet you before the race, guide you to the start, and support you every step of the way.

If you, or someone you know has an impairment and would like to find out more about our Supported Runner Project, either complete the form below or email

Need a Support Runner Form