Foundation Inspires School Children


Friday 10th December was a special day for The Richard Whitehead Foundation. We visited Byker Primary School with the aim of inspiring, educating and supporting their pupils and staff.

This visit involved school assemblies where we shared our key messages:

·      Never giving up

·      Recognising that everyone is different.

This was followed by an Inclusive PE lesson for Year 6 children, which was led by the Foundations’ President Richard Whitehead.

Our main aim of the day was to reach out and support a child with a congenital amputation affecting three limbs. Whilst supporting this individual, his family and school we aim to learn from their lived experience, and share key messages related to the support they need to empower life goals through movement. We looking forward to sharing the story as it unfolds. 

The visit from the Foundation had a positive impact on the children who got involved, as the quote from their Deputy Head Teacher demonstrates:

"The support of the Richard Whitehead Foundation to our school truly means the world.  Our children will never forget this experience. Please thank Richard particularly, alongside your team for their continued hard work to inspire pupils across England and support those that sometimes lose their voice.  You're all making a difference that counts!"


Also speaking after the visit to Byker Primary School, Richard said:

“Supporting this school and in particular this young disabled person, makes us even more determined to break down barriers with solutions. It highlights that to get active is more than what happens in the sport or activity; it is a challenge for many disabled people to get there in the first place.”

 If you would like to help us to make a difference and support this project or the work of the Foundation, then you can make a donation at:

Please contact us if would like to get involved with the Foundation or are looking for support for yourself, your school, group, club or child, at:


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