Setting the Direction for an Exciting Future

When I first meet people and discuss the Richard Whitehead Foundation, they are often surprised to hear from we are actually quite small and a start up charity. I take this as a compliment, but also as a reminder of how much more there is to do for us to realise our potential and achieve our ambitions. But as Richard reminds me every week - we need to dream big and he is 100% right.

The Richard Whitehead Foundation was set up in early 2021, and launched alongside Richard competing in the Tokyo Paralympic Games. Our focus has been on developing the foundations of the ... well... Foundation. Forming a solid committee of skilled, experienced and passionate Trustees, establishing the charity, delivering our first project and being clear our on strategic direction. The Nissan Possibilities project has been providing a rich and in depth support package to four young disabled adults to get them running, with funded running prosthetics, mentoring, support, guidance and links with community clubs supported by Sported. More to follow on the impact of this amazing project.

We have learnt a lot in a short space of time and had many great conversations with individuals, community organisations and stakeholders. The most important thing we have been doing is listening to the disability community and we will keep listening! We are aware of the barriers we need to support individuals to break down, and the Foundation is clear on our purpose as a result. We believe disabled people should have access to the life-changing power of sport. But what does that mean really? We know that sport has many benefits. Physical health is the obvious one I guess. But there is so much more.... mental well being, skills and employability, confidence and independence, and feeling a sense of belonging.

With 7 out of 10 disabled people wanting to be more active... the appetite is there. But barriers and obstacles are getting in the way. We are building momentum and aiming for the stars to set up a Foundation that enables disabled people's ambitions. We know how we want to do this, but need to establish significant resources to deliver our big ambitions. This is our focus right now. Fundraising and forming partnerships to deliver projects and initiatives that place individuals at the centre of our work. We aim to provide life-changing support to individual disabled people such as equipment, mentoring, opportunities, advice and guidance that empower them to achieve their goals and keep active.

Rebecca Gibson, Progamme Manager


Foundation Looking for New Trustees


Foundation Partnering with Mason Mile